SurfScape Labs 0.2.0

Privacy Policy

At SurfScape Labs (owned by SurfScape), we understand the importance of privacy and we are committed to protecting your personal information. This Privacy Policy outlines our approach of collecting data, what type of data we collect, and how it's safeguarded.

Collection of Information

We do not collect any personal information from our users, such as names, addresses, or email addresses since we don't have any way of users to submit any kind of data.

We use GoatCounter as our telemetry service since it's privacy-aware, respects GDPR, and does not have cookies or persistent storage.

What date we collect

Use of Information

This data is used to know what are the most viewed/used studies, to check for bugs on specific browsers or systems, to optimize our services to specific displays, and improve our services.

Data Retention

This data is is kept forever until we don't need it anymore or if someone requests a deletion of that data trough SurfScape's Privacy Portal.

Changes to Privacy Policy

We do not store a version history of the Priavcy Policy and we do not disclouse any updates done to the Privacy Policy.